Sunday, October 10, 2010


Delicious is a great bookmarking tool. Why use it?  You could say "I can just bookmark on my computer!"
Yes, however when you use the bookmark feature on your computer, it quickly becomes messy. Furthermore, lets say you bookmark a really cool site on your computer at home, get to work the following day, duh, I can't remember the site and it's bookmarked on my computer at home!
This would not have happened if the site had been bookmarked in delicious. With delicious, you can access your bookmarks on any computer, wherever you are.
Another cool feature with delicious are the tags. No need to keep scrolling down a long list to find a bookmark, you can just type a key word, and... voilà, your list is narrowed down to specific elements.
Delicious bookmarks are public, they can therefore benefit other people, it is a social tool. You can share with other people the sites you have found and vice versa. Thanks to this social feature, you can discover sites you might never would have heard of otherwise.
Delicious is really a great tool...and it's free, so why not use it?

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